No matter what’s going on in the world, these outfits and pieces never go out of style. Why is that?

If you’re sick of chasing the recent trend (or need some more classic style) incorporate some of these ideas into your wardrobe.

Fads Don’t Last

In the endless cycle of fashion some fads die and some live forever. It’s hard to tell which of the current trendy fashions will stand the test of time.

Timelessness is all about looking back and embracing those that have survived. Sometimes through multiple trend cycles. It’s about proven looks, not the most recent flash in the pan.

Timeless pieces are often incorporated into multiple subcultures too. It’s their ability to be adopted into and versatile across multiple styles that allow them to flourish for longer than the usual trend.

Take blue jeans for example. It’s a wardrobe staple, it’s not really owned by any one subculture, it’s still being used for innovative designs on the runway. It seems like it’s been here forever, since fashion began, but blue jeans really only became popularized in the 1950s because of James Dean and Levi Strauss.

Timelessness isn’t a specific look, it’s a specific ability to step outside of time itself.

Timelessness Is A Foundation

Once you find your timeless pieces you can build on them.

You can make any number of style combinations on the foundation of those perfect jeans.

Or a Dungaree jumpsuit. A cool belt with a retro buckle. The brown knee-high riding boots. The leather jacket. The pea coat. 

Timelessness in fashion is really about finding unique pieces that transcend time.