Hospitality is more than just service, it’s an experience. The best of the best treat their clients and guests to an unforgettable one like no other. The moment someone crosses the threshold of your business, the experience begins. It’s your job to whisk them away into an intentional journey.

A big part of the hospitality experience is making people feel like they’re in good hands. Trust, authority, and professionalism.

At I. Buss & Allan we believe your uniform is a key part of this.

The Uniform Is The Face Of Your Business

Uniforms should fit in more ways than one. They are one of those things that most people don’t notice until it’s not there.

But a perfectly fitted uniform and one perfectly suited for the environment it’s in is an important aspect of the whole experience. It’s the face to the client interaction and should be on point.

Imagine walking into a high-end hotel and the concierge is wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts. Not exactly a confidence-inspiring experience.

Now, if you’re running a basketball-themed hotel, maybe it works, but odds are it doesn’t.

Trust goes beyond what you say with your words; mean what you say, but look like you mean it too. Inspiring trust nonverbally is key and a uniform is a great place to start.

Uniforms Create Authority

Guests and customers should know at a glance who is an employee, who they can look to for help and authority. After all, hospitality is about comfort and security. A uniform that doesn’t suit the environment can lead to confusion and mistrust.

It’s more about looking the part and relating with the environment than the exact look in this case. A uniform that clashes with the environment could benefit by helping staff stand out to guests, but sometimes it pays to blend in a bit.

Classic Uniforms Meet Modern Innovation

The classic look of a doorman or bellboy or concierge is ingrained in most clients and it can pay to fit that look. They’re classics for a reason.

But the classics can’t be everything or there’d be no room for innovation. Our conditioning can’t be the only reason we trust in a certain cut of cloth.

At I. Buss & Allan we give the tried-and-true hospitality looks a custom, innovative spin. We help each of our customers imprint their unique brand into a perfectly-fitted uniform. Whether that’s to buy or to rent, we make sure you always fit the bill.

Start your journey with us and give your clients the best hospitality experience they’ve ever had!

Tell us how we can help!