
Developing Your Personal Style

By March 11, 2014 No Comments

Do you often feel like you are at a loss when shopping, relying heavily upon over-eager sales people or looking at fashion magazines and wonder why the models look so well dressed? Well, they had help. Some people are born with fashion sense but many need guidance so don’t fret, everyone is capable of discovering their own style.
Drawing from my own experience, from the time I was a child, I’ve been attracted by uncommon pieces of jewelry and clothing. When I was in my late teens, I gravitated more toward neon colors which were in vogue at the time. I can still picture these neon fuchsia, yellow and chartreuse pants I wore in the 80’s.  Seems a bit extreme, but within the context of my age and clubbing in NYC, they worked.
I’ve been told over the years that I have “style,” whether I was in a “thrift shop” chic period or  wearing haute couture. My clothing, no matter where it I got it, has always made me feel stylish.
However, I also want to feel confident in my wardrobe.  There is a French designer, Leonard, who designs beautiful print fabrics. The fit and the cut of his dresses are perfect for my body type, and the fabrics are distinct and eye-catching.  When I wear these dresses, I feel chic and more self-assured.
A big part of what I do for a living is sell style. My clothing choices actually depend on the clients I may be seeing that day. If I am walking into a particularly conservative environment with a new client, I might opt not to wear the Tom Binnis skull ring. But on the other hand, if I a pitching new designs for this client, and know they want something “different” all the more reason to show them my cutting edge flare.  So there is a certain amount of psychology that goes into fashion choices as well.
Rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets can either compliment or accentuate your outfit.  As a matter of a fact, jewelry can be your centerpiece.  My wardrobe and accessory choices typically depend on my mood. Some days I might feel more low-key, other days I could feel like wearing more of a statement piece. The piece could be a big vintage ring, while wearing a fitted black high-neck dress, or I could be in a Pucci print and throw the same ring on so the whole outfit is a statement.
Developing style is actually something one can become good at.  Perhaps start to consider your own style, do you have a definitive one? And if not, maybe start to focus on a specific wardrobe detail…perhaps cufflinks, your belt or even a necklace or scarf.  Notice how picking something distinct will step-up the look of your entire outfit. Then ask yourself, who is my audience, and is my dress an extension of the message I want to convey.  Lastly, you can always look online. There are a wealth of resources out there, so if you aren’t sure if your pencil skirt will go with that off the shoulder top, type in pencil skirt and see what it is shown with.  Remember, I practice style on a daily basis. Personally and also in my career, so at this point in my life it may appear to be second nature, but really constantly evolving one’s personal style is the same as refining one’s tennis game.  Passion, focus, practice. And keep in mind; one doesn’t need money for style.  All you need is an eye and the desire to put the thought into your wardrobe choices.